A Fractal Reality

For some time scientists found more and more proof that the universe we live in seem to have a “Fractal nature”, but what is a fractal anyway?

From Wikipedia: “A fractal is a mathematical set that typically displays self-similar patterns”.

Wolfram Science: A fractal is an object or quantity that displays self-similarity, in a somewhat technical sense, on all scales.

If you look at a tree then you can see that its branches look like smaller versions of the tree itself. The new born have common characteristics with their parents like, they have same number of limbs similar shape etc…

Here is how Wolfram Science defines a fractal: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Fractal.html

And here is the Wikipedia definition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractal

And of course there is a Fractal Foundation: http://fractalfoundation.org/

One important characteristic of fractal structures is that they can be built by using very simple rules repeated again and again…

Even though one may think so, Fractals does not necessary imply infinities as the process of generation can be stopped at any level.

Bellow is an excellent example of what “pure mathematical fractals” may look like. The movie was generated by a computer (just pure calculations in a machine) by using a mathematical structure called the Mandelbrot Set after the name of the mathematician who studied it first.

Or this 3D model of the same type of mathematical structure:

This is the second pillar on my model of reality.
The first pillar is the Many dimensions of the Universe.
I hope that this model of the universe may allow for reconciliation between Science and other ways people now use to deal with the reality.