About Romeo

Born in Romania in the Botosani district (Romanian: Judet) sometimes between 1960 and 1970. Immigrated to Canada in 2001. Computers and more precise software for application and database servers as well as automation (micro electronics) is the way I make a living. Working for IBM Canada Ltd since 2010 to present

Nothing is Everything

If you lookup the word “Nothing” on a dictionary you may find something like this:

Nonexistence; nonentity; absence of being; nihility

I found this definition by searching on dict.org website. So we all think we know what Nothing “is”. But do we know all its implications? What are its characteristics? Will things be different if “nothing” is really “absence of being”?

Some time ago I’ve stumbled over this exploded car picture (bellow). It looked intriguing and funny but something was missing… No kidding you’d say the darn thing is disassembled, what’s missing is “to be assembled”.

Exploded Car Picture (from: http://www.merchantcircle.com)

Yes, true the missing “part” is “to be assembled”. But wait “to be assembled” is not “something” right? It IS Nothing. You can’t touch it, you can’t feel it, but it has a great impact on the usability of the car. Or, more general said, the state in which the set of entities making the car, exists at any moment is deeply impacted by this “Nothing”.

So, something which is not material or energetic has a great impact on the usage of the car. Can we say the “Nothing” has an essential impact in the usability of the car? Based on the dictionary definition and any common sense “Nothing” should have NO impact on things. But here we are we just realized that it has a huge importance on almost all things which are made of components. But then, this idea is wired in itself. How come “Nothing” can impact anything?

In physics there is one dimension which is used to measure “complexity”, it is called “Entropy“. The Entropy of a system can increase when the system is more complex or can decrease when a system is less complex. A fully ordered system (whatever that means) is considered to have minimal (numerical) value.

If we consider the example with the exploded car, then it becomes clear that there will be a difference in entropy, when comparing the assembled product, with the disassembled set of components. You may argue about any “liquids” like oil, grease, etc. but let’s consider those as being present in the exploded picture as well (for the sake of making the point). So, even if we can’t touch or feel the “Nothing” it seem we can measure certain characteristics of it.

You may ask yourself what’s the meaning of this? What is it useful for? How will it impact me? To get a glimpse on this “utility” thing please remember that only not that much time ago, we had no idea what “electricity” was. Today, there are enough of us which still have no idea what “electricity” is but do pretty well in using it.

The issue with this, is that things you don’t know about can still have an impact on you, like it or not. It is said the “the things you don’t know about can kill you” and there are enough examples of this saying.

The main insight in this case is that, it seem our universe is made mostly out of this “Nothing” stuff, and the entropy concept can actually measure it. The other insight is that this “Nothing” seem to be responsible of the existence of all things including life. Also maybe even more important “Nothing” is the “mater” form which “Information” is made. And since our minds are pure informational entities (my strong belief) “Nothing” is “Everything” for us. It is in fact us. This does not implies though that we are Nothing, but only that we can’t exists without the Nothing. It can’t get weirder than this, right?

So, “Nothing” must be of some importance after all… wired… isn’t it?

The “Nothing” concept is another pillar on the model of the universe I’m pursuing.

A Fractal Reality

For some time scientists found more and more proof that the universe we live in seem to have a “Fractal nature”, but what is a fractal anyway?

From Wikipedia: “A fractal is a mathematical set that typically displays self-similar patterns”.

Wolfram Science: A fractal is an object or quantity that displays self-similarity, in a somewhat technical sense, on all scales.

If you look at a tree then you can see that its branches look like smaller versions of the tree itself. The new born have common characteristics with their parents like, they have same number of limbs similar shape etc…

Here is how Wolfram Science defines a fractal: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Fractal.html

And here is the Wikipedia definition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractal

And of course there is a Fractal Foundation: http://fractalfoundation.org/

One important characteristic of fractal structures is that they can be built by using very simple rules repeated again and again…

Even though one may think so, Fractals does not necessary imply infinities as the process of generation can be stopped at any level.

Bellow is an excellent example of what “pure mathematical fractals” may look like. The movie was generated by a computer (just pure calculations in a machine) by using a mathematical structure called the Mandelbrot Set after the name of the mathematician who studied it first.

Or this 3D model of the same type of mathematical structure:

This is the second pillar on my model of reality.
The first pillar is the Many dimensions of the Universe.
I hope that this model of the universe may allow for reconciliation between Science and other ways people now use to deal with the reality.

Many dimensions of the Universe

The current scientific beliefs about our reality, implies more dimensions of space than the three we already know “up-down”,”left-right”,”forward-backward” or for people used with physics notations that is(x,y,z).
Understanding the implications of such a belief can be pretty hard to imagine for anyone which encounters this type of thinking for the first time.

I found those two clips on the net which allows anyone to get a “sneak peak” on what the “real” may actually be.

“Dr. Quantum” explaining “The flatland”

Or, if you prefer Carl Sagan, checkout this excellent presentation about “the fourth dimension”

If you think these “crazy” ideas are new you may be surprised to find out of that at about 1883 Edwin Abbott wrote Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions imagining a two dimension world…

This article is but first from a larger series on fundamental knowledge about the universe, which I hope it will lead to a new way to put together this “Lego” of already known ideas, in order to provide a (I hope) new way to explain reality and provide a bridge between various ways we all perceive it.

Nigeria’s hurt is everyones problem

Its all over the news. More than three weeks ago in Nigeria around 300 girls were kidnapped from their school by people opposing women education. This may seem to be “out there” not in our vicinity so its just some news, it will pass.

The problem is this is not true, not any more, now we know and we have to do something about it. Question is what? Of course some people using some expensive gear will risk their lives to try to bring all those innocent souls back to their families. Then what? We all live happily… until next time. Because if we don’t do anything to understand the real reasons behind this event it is guaranteed that other of the same or equivalent events will happen again.

I believe everyone has its right to believe whatever they want, as much time as they don’t mess with the access to information and education of every single one of us, no matter where or who we are.

I hope all those souls will get back to their loved ones soon, but the work to disseminate knowledge, the type of knowledge which will set us free must start now.

Keep in mind that we produce a lot of information, but not all of it is knowledge and most of it will keep you chained to one narrow concept or another and that is not freedom.

“Freedom is not free!”

Info on the kidnapping

The technology and us

“New and enhanced abilities (a.k.a technology) combined with low level of understanding of those abilities will always lead to abuse. However the universe (a.k.a Mother Nature) does not care, it selects its future, its called natural selection…. And,… natural selection did not end when Darwin defined it, it still happens…. So better try understand what you hold in your hands before is too late. I’m a strong promoter of technology but the need for “profit without limits” combined with ignorance can be lethal for our society.”

I’ve commented not long ago, on the link posted by one of my FaceBook friends. It was liked to the YouTube video called “Look Up”. An excellent clip of video poetry but partially misguided in my opinion.
I hope to guide people on computer technology and its real abilities with the information I will publicize in the future in this blog and http://timenet-systems.com

In mean time I’m blogging this video clip for future reference.

Jodorowsky’s Dune

As a present to my birthday, my daughter Anda invited me to see this documentary about a movie which could have been bigger than StarWars, before StarWars, the “JODOROWSKY’S DUNE”.

The movie was played at the TIFF and bellow is the YouTube preview on it.

Very interesting and I could only think what Jodorowsky (IMDB) could have done those days with the CGI capabilities and power of KickStarter for crowd financing.

Is hard to tell what could have been, I’ve seen the one made by David Lynch and the Children of Dune sequel and they are good movies, maybe not great but good. Clearly there is a lot of potential in visualising Herbert’s saga.

Thank you Anda!

The Global Mind of the future

Does groups of living entities form minds of their own?
And if so, how do they manifest and interact with us and can they be considered parts of our society?

In the last years, I come to think more and more about social interaction seeking to better understand them and find a better social model.

Few billions cells are the constituents of our own bodies. They generate entities we identify as “mind” or “consciousness”. If we extend this concept then any groups of people will generate “wrapping” minds of their own inheriting the common features of the underlying minds of the group’s individuals.

Those minds seem to behave as new live entities which are born live an die.

You can picture better in your mind this phenomena by watching this funny animation from “Finding Nemo”.
Of course this is an exaggeration we all know but it works like an magnifier of the central idea.

You can also visualize it if you think of the various groups people form, a line at the bus or ticket booth, a demonstration in the street, and probably most notably sport fans.
Those groups form themselves when the conditions are right have a life then sooner or later disassociate themselves and die.

This means that when there are two living entities, they will generate a third entity, a common mind inheriting their common thinking in a fully unconscious process (most of the time).


When there are three living entities in a group, we can identify one “mind” of the whole group but as well all the smaller groups in all possible combinations which will account for 4 four new entities in that group. So a group of 3 (three) entities will in fact account for 2^3-1=7 (seven) minds!


Interesting is that those new minds tend to interact as they would be “real people” and introduce new variables in the social systems, hence increasing their complexity. The group mind abilities, are highly dependent on the number and the abilities, of the real minds in the group. For small groups this may account for very little and this explains why usually their existence pass unobserved.

This observation, could give more insight in the “crowd” behaviour, and the new “occupied” movements are interesting places to look for examples of “mind wrappers”.

I found fascinating this video about the crowd behaviour at G20 in Toronto 2012:

This interview hit me with the idea, that maybe, just maybe, at G20/Toronto/2012 what happened between some of the demonstrator groups and the police groups, could have been the result of group mind behaviour and not necessary a well planned and carried set of activities, from both police and citizens of Toronto. I have no way to validate this, but based on the observations I’ve made so far, could a real possibility.

One hint about the groups and their interaction, come to me from the brilliant scene in the movie “A beautiful mind”, where Jon Nash find his inspiration and creates a new break trough in the “Governing dynamics/Game Theory”. In few words his theory can be synthesized:

The best results come when everyone in a group does what’s best for himself and the group”

This theory, is known as the “Nash Equilibrium”, and brought a Nobel Prize to John Nash.

However, if we think of the groups as individuals, then it seem that Adam Smith was also right when he postulated that:

“The best results come when everyone in a group does what’s best for himself”

if we include the group generated minds as supplemental group entities.

This could mean that both Nash and Smith are right. They simply look at the same problem from different angles.

It is also of a paramount importance to understand that “equilibrium” or “balance” does not imply simple equality but a multidimensional balanced relationship. I have personally lived trough a society where “All people are equal”, was promoted each day, but we all learned, that in fact, “some were more equal than others”, and in the end, that group simply vanished in a revolution. My feeling is that when all entities or minds in a group, including the “wrapper minds”, treat each other with respect, and spend time to understand each other, the whole group have a much better chance to survive, and even more important, to thrive .

What would all this have to do with our day by day life? It sounds like a clever contraption of the mind, but now what?

My point is that, we are now stepping in a new era where the information is produced, shared, stored and accessed at an unprecedented rate. Social networks like FaceBook, Tweeter, Tumblr, Google+, etc are part of this new era and when connected with new and powerful ways to mine all this information by using the new ways we call “BigData” (BigDataUniversity) or like IBM’s Watson the group behaviour will be harder and harder to ignore.

This leads to an interesting questions. How do we get aware of group entities and how do we communicate with them? And the last and maybe the most important of them all: Are we aware of our common planetary level generated mind? If we do will it be important for the future to be able to communicate with it?

Maybe the idea exposed in the movie “Avatar” is not so far fetched after all.

Pretty crazy idea? Maybe not…

I’m preparing a number of new articles dedicated to the communication theory and practical use.

Stay tuned …


Other explorations in this domain:


Group behaviour with various “mind” capabilities:

School of fish:

School of birds:

Richard Feynman

Richard Feynman is one of the people I admire and I would have wished to be able to meet and talk.

I found that I share most of his views on the ways the minds of all of us perceive reality and nature.

I would highly recommend watching this biographic video.

I’m about to start publishing some ideas and models about nature and universe and I believe that Mr. Feynman will help me in this endeavour as he helped so many others.

Thank you Richard Feynman!