I stand with you, Orlando, Brussels, Paris, Pakistan, and for all people who lost or had their lives destroyed by madness of extremisms

Orlando Florida US Jun 12, 2016, 50 dead 53 injured. People died and got hurt again, is there a way to stop this from happening?

  • Paris France, Nov 13, 2015, 130 dead and more then 350 injured (source Wikipedia)
  • San Bernardino California US, Dec 2, 2015, 14 dead and 22 injured (source Wikipedia)
  • Brussels Belgium, Mar 22, 2016, 35 dead and more than 300 injured (source Wikipedia)
  • Lahore Pakistan, Mar 27, 2016, 75 dead and more than 300 injured (source Wikipedia)
  • Orlando Florida US Jun 12, 2016, 50 dead 53 injured
  • And then the Sirian Civil War counting to more than 400000 people killed until now with millions pushed to live their lives with mostly nothing
  • And the list is longer, to long…

I would like to extend my condolences to all the people who lost loved ones in all those tragedies.

In total, in less than a year, we lost 130+14+35+75+50=304 people and destroyed or badly impacted the lives of 350+22+300+300+53=more than 1025 people by a handful of other people who’s minds were twisted by extreme ideas. I can’t even imagine what 400000 dead and millions more displaced means for a time we call ourselves “civilized”.

But by simply stopping here, by only feeling sorry for the loss, would not make much difference for the future. We need to start open our eyes minds and harts to the truth no matter how hard is to find it.

Against all the primal instincts which pushes us to answer the violence with violence the path to a solution include quite a different path. It is said that the definition of insanity is to repeat the same thing again and again without changing anything and expecting different results. If that is true it is also an extreme, and we could tame the definition by excluding the “changing anything” to “changing enough” to reach a realistic goal. The thing is, we all find ourselves in various shades of insanity and need to continuously correct our action to stay out of it.

My personal opinion is that one important root cause, if not the most important one, on all our history, but more important these days is our ability to communicate.

The communication process implies extracting information from our minds, filter it, encode it in speech or words, then transport it over various mediums like airwaves (voice), electromagnetic waves, in networks, or solids, to one or more people, the receivers. The receiver(s) will then attempt to decode the information and (attempt to) re-integrate it in their minds. Both the sender and receiver have different mind contexts and each of those steps can and usually will be subject of errors.

My explanation of the communication process, may look “Rube Goldberg”-is but it is darn simple compared to the full fledged phenomena.

We usually do all this in “automatic” mode, paying little attention or no or little attention to all the possibilities for errors and that is where things break down. We assume we “master” communication, when in fact we kind of suck at it and the consequence of this inability is dire.

These days our abilities to transport information has advanced faster than our ability to process the information we receive (and make sense of it) due all the technological advances. Now we are witnessing the first consequences of this imbalance between our abilities to transport information, and our ability to process it. On top of that, we are unable to distinguish between fact and fiction and our ability to listen and understand other cultures has diminished due to of this informational overload.

All this pushes some of us to drawn in the informational flow, and tumble down into the vortex of madness and extremism.

Carl Sagan had this prescient view, he expressed in his last interview with Charlie Rose. Charlie asks, “What’s the danger of all this…?” referring to the Science and Technology in the hands of the public. Carl answers “We arrange the society based on Science and Technology where nobody understand anything about Science and Technology and this combustible mixture of ignorance and power sooner or later is going to blow-out in our faces…”  For the full interview (if you didn’t see it yet) check here.

I’m coining this phenomena the “Informageddon” as a derived form of the regular Armageddon, describing a way to screw ourselves big time due our collective madness and stupidity.

Of course, you may say, you can go crazy about it, but nothing would really happen (to others) if there will be no guns. Personally I think we should be able to defend ourselves, however if anyone would own a classic gun can lead to a arms race at the micro social level. All this is good for making bucks on short term but makes no sense on long term. I will discuss more about how to balance the need for self defence and what sort of technology can we use to replace the actual guns. As a Canadian I’m impacted in a slight different way than a US citizen but the problem is actually universal and needs attention.

I’m sure that there is a brighter future ahead of us. Yet the path to it is narrow and not a straight one, but I believe in it. To draw the path to an acceptable future we need to understand the dangers of the new technologies as well as their strengths. As with all other Technological wonders we can use every one of them for both good and bad, the distinction is apparent when we are able to see the big picture on long term.

“In order to be able to harvest the fruits, first we must take care of the roots”

The last two important aspects of the social organization, which can push towards the “Informageddon” are the specialization and competition. Even though both of them are essential for our progress an unhealthy amount or kind of each can hamper the progress.

We can distinguish two types of competition, constructive (or positive) and destructive (or negative). To understand the difference I have to tell you a small story. “Once upon a time there were two neighbours. And they (as with many of us these days) were competing on who had a better life. They both had livestock and were proud of their animals. One day the goat of one of them dies accidentally. In the evening both neighbours pray to God. First one asks God for good health for his family and livestock and wishes the best for his neighbour. He shares some of his goat milk with his neighbour whose goat died . The other neighbour though, prays for his neighbour’s goat to die too so he would not be in the position to be helped as he feels this as humiliating”.

You can see clearly the difference between constructive competition in the first person action and the destructive one from the other person.We can see how for the entire system (the two people together) helping each other leads to a stronger state whereas in the destructive case both would suffer. The problem with the technology is that it speeds up all processes and makes it harder and harder to people to react with long term plans. This inadvertently favours he destructive type of competition.

Please take some time and think how much of the constructive versus destructive competition is promoted more these days? What is the impact on long term of all the secrecy out there and all the actions we are involved in. This is the first step towards a sane future.

For future articles check the “Informageddon” category.


All human beings make mistakes, and we are all human, how blind love leads to death

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.
Author: Mark Twain

The road to hell is paved only with good intentions.
Author: Unknown

It take a village to raise a child.
Author: Unknown

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We all think “I had nothing to do with it” if you think so think again, if you don’t you are an indirect enabler of violence…

Paris I stand with you

Have no Fear!, Fear leads to hate and hate leads to suffering”. My hart goes out for all people hurting now in Paris and all over the world.

We can’t change the past or even the present but we can change the future. Fear is born from lack of quality information and quality information is only born from deep listening and understanding of our peers. Ignorance is not bliss is death. We can’t afford ignorance no more.


RIP: John Nash, another “Beautiful Mind” gone

John Nash and his wife Alicia have died in a car accident.
I’ve learned about Jon Nash and his accomplishments in mathematics and game theory from the Hollywood movie “A Beautiful Mind” as many other of us.
That is why I’ll use some of the scenes I found favorite and touching. Of course the movie introduce images of actions which never happened exactly like that in the reality, but that is not the point. The point is to make the deep thoughts this man acquired about our reality available to all of us, a window and a chance to understand them and to help build better lives for each of us.

The scene from the movie where Nash gets the idea about effects of collaborative actions in the game theory or “Nash Equilibrium”

The “Pen ceremony” (didn’t really happen but is a touching event in the movie)

And The Real Jon Nash


At this moment in time I believe that Sandy Hook was an event induced by small (maybe insignificant) contributions of all of us over a long time. This finding does not make me feel any better but this event forced me to dig deeper and conquer my fear to address the issue at this public level. I also believe, that the solution is not simple and surely it is not fast, but I truly believe we can do it. I think we can start building a better world for our children and the children of their children until the end of time.

Sandy Hook

Impact of the Media

I’ve witnessed ideas that media (TV, internet, etc) is at fault and we should simply ignore it. I personally believe that this is a case of short sighted judgement and a sort of denial for many of us. We seem to always look for causes outside of ourselves or our close environment. Media is a business and as with many other businesses (if not all of them) they are striving to provide you with what they think you are interested in seeing!
So, even if “turning off the TV” is a way to show your “lack of interest” for that type of coverage a much better solution would be for all of us to be aware of our enabling effect we have towards all businesses. When any one of us buys directly or indirectly (by choosing to watch a TV channel) we fuel a type of activity to happen. And no business will ever be able to “stop” or change its customers if they are willing to pay for any item. Only social laws (restrictions)  are able to do so if there is support and cooperation from most of the members of that group.

In the end it is all in our own hands, please don’t blame the businesses for something you can control with your wallet or your remote or mouse!

Sandy Hook

Gun Control

After Sandy Hook I’ve found the following image posted by people and friends on the net and Facebook.  I think is very relevant for this issue so I’ve decided to re-publish it on my own blog.

I must say that I fully agree that people must be able to defend themselves but I seriously doubt that an “gun race” at social level can make use overall any more safe on long term. Also I believe that not anyone must have access to guns which were designed for military use.

I believe this is the first step people need to take when dealing with guns. Back in Romania when I was a child my father owned an hunting rifle, the ones you’ll need to manufacture your own rounds. However he kept it in a locked metallic box at all times and trained me well before I could even touch it. And I would never be able to shut it without he being there. After years in the 9 months of army training (mandatory in Romania at that time for all students, boys or girls) we were fully trained in handling guns and assault rifles (AK47).
Currently I do not own a gun and I have no intention to own one any time soon.

Dr. Drew’s dangerous assumptions

I have witnessed today  Dr. Drew live on CNN saying that the solution for parents whose children are showing mental illness symptoms is to “call the cops”. I believe that this is a terrible idea and one which shows a sort of “bureaucratic” way to “solve the issue”. Let’s take a close look at this “solution” effects on short and long term. First we have to realize that the police is defined as a “law enforcement” entity. The police is there to use reasonable force to enforce the laws of a group upon an individual or a sub group of individuals. We know that the police has no authority or resources to “teach” the laws, but simply to forcefully impose the law. One more important aspect of the law enforcement is that the law can only be enforced after the individual(s) are breaking the it! The police can’t and it should not be “preemptive”; if anyone has any doubts on why, please remember the case explored in the movie “Minority report“.

So, if the only way to save his child a parent has is to “call the Cops” as Dr. Drew suggested publicly I really believe Mr. Drew lives in a fantasy world since this has a very little probability to happen! How many parents will do that? That is, since, once done they risk to damage their relation with their child for a log time (maybe forever). On the other hand this is a futile suggestion because  the police will certainly ask “what law did the child broke” in order to be able to act. Then what is next? How will that child feel towards his parents? And on long term, if that child can’t rely anymore (by his state of mind) on his parents since he will most likely feel betrayed by them will he be a better person? Why?

We already know by the awful experience we see now surfacing from various “bureaucratic” institutions which badly treated children all over the worlds (US, Canada, etc, etc) when children are only seen as inanimate objects which are “used” by some “employees” to satisfy their own mental necessities. How can someone still suggest that any institution can “replace” the parents?

My humble opinion is, that institutions must help families to help their kids. I strongly believe that w,e as a society, must strive to help the parents to grow their children in a way which is socially acceptable, long before this kind of horrific events can happen. But this is not an easy thing, not easy to  be done nor to explain, which makes them less marketable.

Again some of us are pushing for short (or very short) term solutions and completely ignore long term, more stable and desirable solutions.

Sandy Hook