
I’m only giving you my truth and my beliefs, nothing more. Your life is yours and yours alone. You have to follow your own path, the one that your gut feeling tells you about when your mind is quiet. But be aware, there are many wasteful and dangerous paths in the Exoverse.

If you read the Bible (other belief systems heave equivalent information too), the most interesting part (at least for me) is the start, the description of creation, then the mishap that (so said) ostracized our first ancestors, out of the perfect place they used to live at the time, the garden of Eden. But what is even more interesting is the reason behind the so-called “expulsion” and how it perfectly ties in the model of the hypothetical Exoverse idea I’ve been exploring for a while.

https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/resources/706/pioneer-plaque/ (maybe we should have also added a dog and a cat to give closer to the real image some aliens might see)

I argue that our ancestors, the ones that first created the scriptures wanted to send a message to us across the vast spans of time about what they found to be so fundamental to our existence that would supersede any other issue.

What I believe they tried to tell us is that we all are sharing one single Universal Body of Consciousness and to successfully accomplish our common goal in this existence we must succeed together regardless of the fragmentation this reality imposes on us and we perceive it as “self”.

In this article, I will use UBC as a shorthand for the Universal Body of Consciousness.

An excellent allegoric description of the beginning of this process is in the first verses of the creation, more important in this phrase (slightly different in each scripture) 1:2 “…the spirit of God moved over the Waters”. If we break through the allegory what remains is God and waters and to me, that translates in “UBC and Exoverse”. The allegory is important to convey these complex and deep pieces of information to young minds (that are almost all of us at some point in time). The ancestors could not directly describe “fields” of energy and information over pre-real states, a young mind would simply reject it as nonsense.

The UBC is here (in my opinion) to explore the “pre-real” or what I like to call the Exoverse in order to find a final solution to the problem it was tasked with at the begging of time. This final solution seems to be to find its most optimal form of existence a state that for most of us, can, for all proposes be called Eden.

However, once found I suspect that the event will mark “the end of time” as we perceive it, and more, (I believe that) the timeline itself is a finite entity, meaning that, if the UBC can’t find this Eden until “the end of time” then the “game” will be over either way.

However, our ancestors seem to suggest that there is also a “Dynamic Eden”, meaning an optimal state of existence here and now in the process of looking for that final one and maybe that is what we need to care most about as it is the only one we have access to.

So, what would this “Dynamic Eden” be? To try to understand that we need to see how the machinery of reality works at a most basic level or as it is now known the “quantum level” then integrate back to our macro and beyond to the cosmic one.

Since the details of the story are complex enough to fill a few books and since there is enough excellent information created by other people studying those domains I’ll simply lay down my conclusion and add the reasoning afterward.

My belief is that the UBC uses the universal machinery of the Exoverse to search the pre-real/Exoverse for the final solution. The process employed for the search is as simple as trying all possible states, then drop the ones leading to dead ends or useless outcomes and only keep the one that yields the best chance to fit the rules of the game. Darwin saw this process in the real world but I strongly believe this is much more fundamental and extends at UBC and Exoverse level.

If we consider the above assumption as valid, then the next logical step is to realize that in order for the UBC to be more efficient, its fragments (self) must be able to follow more “independent” or “diverse” paths. In this context more efficient means to be able to cover more potential states within a given quanta of time. Any unnecessary dependency between the fragments will lead to less independent paths checked, hence less efficient process overall.

On the other and we can’t over-fragment either as if we do we will simply loose ourselves in the immensity of the Exoverse. The UBC may dissipate into nothing when its fragments (self) won’t be able to connect back into the main body and this will also be considered a failure. Additionally all fragments need to be able to exchange information in the real world in order to allow for coordination that should lead to a better efficiency than a simple random search. However for the same reason, coordination should not impede diversity. Hyper coordination (tyrannies for example) lead to less diversity hence lower ability to test new paths in the Exoverse.

So, there you have it, we can define a “Dynamic Eden” by finding this optimal state of fragmentation and diversity whereas avoiding loosing ourselves in the immensity of the “space of possible states” we must explore, the Exoverse. When I say “we” I refer to more than humans, I refer to all forms of life in this reality (all over the visible and invisible universe) as WE are all parts of the same UBC.

Getting back to the biblical story of Eden and cutting trough the veil of mythology and story telling, the fall from the Eden means we are off track from this Dynamic Eden I was talking about. We get off track by failing to be as diverse as required by the process we are engaged in, with or (most time) without our awareness.

It is said that we fall from Eden when we started to classify things as “good” and “bad”. We seek what we perceive as good and avoid what we perceive as bad. This “good vs. bad” as an issue is something that can surprise most of us and yet it makes a lot of sense when viewed in the context of the universal model I’ve explained above. It does because as “selfs” we do not have sufficient information to decide what is good and bad at universal level. To do that we would need to remember and integrate information in time intervals that spans billions of generations where in reality we struggle to even make sense of our own lives.

Overall, only what happens to the UBC matters and as such, only it can decide between what is good and bad. So, you see it all makes sense that our tendency to classify almost anything in a binary domain, a zero-dimensional space of “good-bad” is pretty much a slam-dunk way to run our lives in ditches.

I can “hear” some of the readers already asking “so you believe killing is good, right?”. Not so fast I’d say because killing is a special form of action that needs no classification to be deemed undesirable by the UBC. Why? Because is the most basic form of interference with the processes the UBC is engaged in. Killing simply makes exploring of states much more harder and inefficient. So there you go, in my opinion this is a much better explanation of why we should not kill, independent on the self centered good-bad dichotomy.

Obviously, following the same line of thought one can find other actions we “feel” as “bad” having the same root explanation. This all means that the ancestors were right when they told us to refrain form, over and/or miss-using the “good-bad” zero dimensional space of existence.

Just as an observation, in this line of thought the problem of “pure bisexual” issues we seem to have and had falls more towards the original indiscriminate good-bad dichotomy than the need of the UBC exploration principles.

Later on, in the Christian Bible (and other beliefs with different characters in play) Christ introduce the notion of forgiveness. This is another more complex path that our ancestors found important to communicate to us. Though even after 2000+ years most of us still do not actually understand what forgiveness really is. I’ll try explain it in just few words as this model of UBC and Exoverse fits it like a glove. You see, forgiveness simply allows for more states to be “sampled” in a more efficient way if we don’t interfere directly with the process of sampling of the Exoverse.

Christ, from the Mormon faith web site

When one forgives, his or her actions will be more along what they were supposed to be, if the “bad thing” would not have happened to them. They will not consume time and energy to construct and act on revenge and would allow the other side to seek a better path going forward. You may say that “revenge” is just another “experience”, another “path” the UBC takes in the Exoverse but even if this is true the “coupling” between the two humans engaged in revenge are in a way more predictable and so having weaker potential to explore new states.

IMHO: Forgive does not equal forget and forgive is a strength not weakness as one needs a lot more strength to find the best path of action in the Exoverse (future) when under the burden of hate than to allow himself or herself to be consumed by it. Last but not least we are one (UBC) and hurting another self regardless of the reason will reverberate in the UBC (Socrates understood this well).

Buddha is even more clear in this matter and it describes better how once can find this optimal path of “experiencing life” by letting go of pain and illusions in life. In a nutshell that also translates in a less complex and interdependent set of “paths” the UBC can use to explore the Exoverse.


From the Islam world of faith I can cite Rumi, where the UBC would be the Sea and the self as a drop. A beautiful analogy.

In the Sci-Fi fandom this notion was also pursued some time ago and kept alive to this day in the well known StarWars series. (though lifting objects with one’s abilities to use “the Force” is not the point here)

And even a better explanation (but judged from the Exoverse hypothesis incomplete) in the new scene where Luke Skywalker teaches Ray about what the force is (again please try cut trough all the cinematic effects and hype and go to the core of the matter)

The hypothesis of the Exoverse and UBC as I believe it ,is briefly explained in the page bellow. I hope to be able to add more “meat” around it though it may remain forever a hypothesis as it is very difficult if not impossible to test.

I hope that you can see how things start to make more sense, and that our ancestors understood such deep truths about what are we and why are we here. Their problem though was to try convey such complex and deep insights to the other minds, to propagate this insight to the whole “body of consciousness” in order to push it and all of us to a next level of this game we play in the Exoverse. Did they succeed? I think they did at least partially, but the cart (of knowledge) seem to have run in some ditches many times and we have to try pick it up and keep it on the path as, there is no other chance for us.

My own approach on life at the moment is basically:

“Live and let live, enjoy life, then share your life experience with as many others as you can and that are willing or able to listen. Three should be no comparison and no judgement of another one’s path in life, as it is just another experience, another path walked by the UBC in the Exoverse.”

Merry Christmas to everyone that it means something and Happy New Year to you all.

(PS: This is the first draft, the “as is” version, the article may be edited later based feedback I’ll get on its clarity and English proofreading)

The Global Mind of the future

Does groups of living entities form minds of their own?
And if so, how do they manifest and interact with us and can they be considered parts of our society?

In the last years, I come to think more and more about social interaction seeking to better understand them and find a better social model.

Few billions cells are the constituents of our own bodies. They generate entities we identify as “mind” or “consciousness”. If we extend this concept then any groups of people will generate “wrapping” minds of their own inheriting the common features of the underlying minds of the group’s individuals.

Those minds seem to behave as new live entities which are born live an die.

You can picture better in your mind this phenomena by watching this funny animation from “Finding Nemo”.
Of course this is an exaggeration we all know but it works like an magnifier of the central idea.

You can also visualize it if you think of the various groups people form, a line at the bus or ticket booth, a demonstration in the street, and probably most notably sport fans.
Those groups form themselves when the conditions are right have a life then sooner or later disassociate themselves and die.

This means that when there are two living entities, they will generate a third entity, a common mind inheriting their common thinking in a fully unconscious process (most of the time).


When there are three living entities in a group, we can identify one “mind” of the whole group but as well all the smaller groups in all possible combinations which will account for 4 four new entities in that group. So a group of 3 (three) entities will in fact account for 2^3-1=7 (seven) minds!


Interesting is that those new minds tend to interact as they would be “real people” and introduce new variables in the social systems, hence increasing their complexity. The group mind abilities, are highly dependent on the number and the abilities, of the real minds in the group. For small groups this may account for very little and this explains why usually their existence pass unobserved.

This observation, could give more insight in the “crowd” behaviour, and the new “occupied” movements are interesting places to look for examples of “mind wrappers”.

I found fascinating this video about the crowd behaviour at G20 in Toronto 2012:

This interview hit me with the idea, that maybe, just maybe, at G20/Toronto/2012 what happened between some of the demonstrator groups and the police groups, could have been the result of group mind behaviour and not necessary a well planned and carried set of activities, from both police and citizens of Toronto. I have no way to validate this, but based on the observations I’ve made so far, could a real possibility.

One hint about the groups and their interaction, come to me from the brilliant scene in the movie “A beautiful mind”, where Jon Nash find his inspiration and creates a new break trough in the “Governing dynamics/Game Theory”. In few words his theory can be synthesized:

The best results come when everyone in a group does what’s best for himself and the group”

This theory, is known as the “Nash Equilibrium”, and brought a Nobel Prize to John Nash.

However, if we think of the groups as individuals, then it seem that Adam Smith was also right when he postulated that:

“The best results come when everyone in a group does what’s best for himself”

if we include the group generated minds as supplemental group entities.

This could mean that both Nash and Smith are right. They simply look at the same problem from different angles.

It is also of a paramount importance to understand that “equilibrium” or “balance” does not imply simple equality but a multidimensional balanced relationship. I have personally lived trough a society where “All people are equal”, was promoted each day, but we all learned, that in fact, “some were more equal than others”, and in the end, that group simply vanished in a revolution. My feeling is that when all entities or minds in a group, including the “wrapper minds”, treat each other with respect, and spend time to understand each other, the whole group have a much better chance to survive, and even more important, to thrive .

What would all this have to do with our day by day life? It sounds like a clever contraption of the mind, but now what?

My point is that, we are now stepping in a new era where the information is produced, shared, stored and accessed at an unprecedented rate. Social networks like FaceBook, Tweeter, Tumblr, Google+, etc are part of this new era and when connected with new and powerful ways to mine all this information by using the new ways we call “BigData” (BigDataUniversity) or like IBM’s Watson the group behaviour will be harder and harder to ignore.

This leads to an interesting questions. How do we get aware of group entities and how do we communicate with them? And the last and maybe the most important of them all: Are we aware of our common planetary level generated mind? If we do will it be important for the future to be able to communicate with it?

Maybe the idea exposed in the movie “Avatar” is not so far fetched after all.

Pretty crazy idea? Maybe not…

I’m preparing a number of new articles dedicated to the communication theory and practical use.

Stay tuned …


Other explorations in this domain:


Group behaviour with various “mind” capabilities:

School of fish:

School of birds: