Baltimore Burning, Why kids burn down their own community assets?

I’m amazed how some of us are “dazzled” on the burning just happening right now in Baltimore and happened some time ago elsewhere in US.
There are cases when people are willing to burn their own property, but I bet this is not it. This is different, this is deeper, this is something that if it is not well understood by as many of us, will only amplify over time. My guts are telling me that, these kids are burning down what they feel and regard as not being theirs. A society built on “dog eats dog” philosophy emerged from throat cutting business competition can easily breed these types of mentalities (this is not limited to US at all, is universal). At their age (as the video footages shown mostly youths) they are pressed by the crowd effect, to do “special” things and at the moment the “community” is only a far echo in their minds.


Interesting enough way back in time on the time of the socialist Romania people used to say “What is everyone’s is no-one’s” and that society was supposed to be all about “community” and “sharing” and it did not work. Lesson learned? Seem not.

Lead by example they say. What example I say?

Let’s Think, or even better, let’s Think different…

Again I believe we have to start asking “why?” and continue the “why?” after each answer it comes in our minds, not stopping before we do this exercise at least 4 levels down. You’ll be surprised what you’ll discover.

My hero from law enforcement business

After (re) awakening to a crude reality of the injustice in the justice system, finally a break, one giving us hope, hope that we can hold our humanity high in most dreading conditions.

I’m saying re-awakening since I’ve seen first hand, back in the communist regime of Romania, what the injustice of the justice can be, and one of the reasons I’ve emigrated to Canada was the better justice system the occidental countries built over time. I still believe (or hope) I was not wrong.

Please view (or review) this CNN article and video on a US Richmond
Officer Jesse Kidder which did the right thing and shown a high regard for life in distress. This shows that officers do not have jobs like all of us. They have dangerous jobs which outline this: not any person can or should be a first line officer holding a gun and ready to take lives. We need people which can and will put their own life on the line to save another no matter if that entity cooperates or not. Second, for this type of high stake job I totally subscribe to pay these people much better. I want to know that when an officer points the gun at me (hopefully never) that he or she will only be motivated by high morale stakes and not by the need to “make a quota” for the day or simply chicken out or even worse “snap” an my (temporary) bad behaviour or mental state.

Unfortunately we see more and more evidence of some officers taking the stance of a “Rambo” or “Judge Dredd” type of characters, which tend to take short cuts and be all the justice system at once, (Cop,  Judge, Jury, and Executioner) all in a fraction of a second. This is a best recipe for disasters on both sides, as I’m sure you can’t take a life without being impacted. Someone being able to do so is a mental disordered killer having no place in this society let aside police.

I was stunned to see “experts” called by CNN to weight in on Officer Jesse bold action, saying he should have shot that person! This is scary, really scary, that these type of thoughts can exists in the minds of the people which you’d expect to cherish life as they market themselves as “life protectors”. Think of why all the Police cruisers have (or had at some point) the slogan “to serve and protect“? On that register I’d suggest making the slogan more precise as in “to serve and protect all life“. How about that? I’d be more than happy to have well paid high morale person working to protect life instead of the narrow view of “law enforcement”. I’m saying that because we have too much history of laws which were (and some are today) morally wrong which only serve narrow interests of the few being able to sweep those laws under the scrutiny of the overall society.

Until now we have been technically unable to solve those issues, as they need mastering a very difficult form of communication, the “many to many” case. Yet with the rise of the new information technologies we can now address this issue frontally and choose to build a better future!


My today’s Hero Kaci Hickox and all frontline workers on Ebola

Kaci Hickox

A nurse, front line worker, who treated Ebola patients in Africa was put in isolation for 21 days in conditions close to the ones in a prison, because of our collective irrational fear.

CBS News Article and Huffingtonpost article

This irrational fear acted and reacted in many ways and as with any fear, it will only hurt us all on long term. So, why governor Cristie put Kaci in prison? Because he’s a rough politician? I’d say he did it as a response to the average street level citizen (like myself) who rushes to conclusions and uses ignorance instead of knowledge, to “demand action”, that’s it, “do something” we say, and politicians which are fearful of loosing their power (and being most likely as ignorant as any of us) rush to take populist decisions which in the end will hurt us all. So, in a nutshell we kick out own asses!

Hooray for the ignorance! Now all front line workers will thing more than twice, before going to battle the invisible enemies which we fight for long time. Next all people travelling from places where outbreaks happen will, take their chance and lie to avoid being treated as criminals and that my friends, is not going to make us safer.

Maybe, just maybe, we should pause and think. THINK DAMN IT! Before panicking. And… let’s get out of that TSS (Temporary Stupid State) we all find ourselves in, from time to time!

To the bureaucrats who took this decision, a suggestion, please subject yourself to the same conditions as you imposed to those people! I would normally include caring for an Ebola patient first, but it would be in vain, so just do the quarantine and use a tent to do your daily necessities. We will watch…

Kaci, Thank you!

To all workers putting themselves in harms ways for all of us, Thank you!


Thorium the energy source of the future

Energy is crucial for us and our future. What sources of energy do we have?

Stars are the initiators of energy and precursors of life but they also stored caches of energy for us to use and evolve as intelligent beings.

Fusion of light elements seem to be the stuff reserved for the mighty Stars but here on Earth fission seem to be what the Stars cached for us to get and use.

As many others, I’ve been oblivious of the fact that there is a technology which was tried 50 years ago when the U235 reactors were developed and which should have been our to use by now.

Yet, it seem that our ignorance and political interests focused only on the moment, lead us on the wrong path 50 years ago by building the current water based reactors which are plagued by many issues.
Still, even in this cases nuclear is still the best way to go about our energy needs of the future when we account for all issues we find with all types of energy we now use.

I strongly think we have the duty to maximize the efficiency of all aspects our our lives and minimize the amount of energy we use for each activity we do, however we will need to do more activities in the future, a lot more and all of us must have access to the same abilities in order to step into the future which awaits us out there.

Thorium breeder (LFTR) reactors were simply caned years ago, I think it is time we start building them.

I’m a strong advocate for this technology. To see why, please visit the web site or watch the presentation bellow.

Of course, I’m not advocating for blindly supporting the technology, please learn about it and support when you are ready to do so…

Canadian company on Thorium reactors

Fire can’t be fought with fire…

My hart goes out for all people who suffer, my mind and soul looks for ways to avoid all this and as any fire fighter knows that fire can’t be put out by fire so is that violence can’t be stopped with with more guns. Here in north America Sandy Hook disaster  (Wikipedia article) stands as a gruesome example of that ideology. Please stop for a while and feel what your soul tells you. I know is hard I know looks impossible but I believe there is a way, a better way… we just need to seek it each time we are confronted by evil and realize that what we see is a consequence of our collective actions. Also please realize that inaction is a form of action too. I believe that people should be able to defend themselves and be able to own a gun but wearing one at all times opens the door to poor thinking and fast acting which have disastrous consequences on long time.

My hero family

I extend my deepest respect and admiration for this family.

Kathy Witterick and David Stocker of Toronto Ontario Canada.

I wish to express my support for them and their decision regarding how grow their children.

Since any other comment would in fact trample on their privacy I will stop here with any further explanations, info about what makes them special can be found on the net.


Dream data mining @

I just discovered this site ( by listening to the “CBC radio one” today, I think we are entering a new dimension in data processing. And I thought the “Minority report” like tools will not exists in my life time ;-). This is both cool and frightening at the same time but nevertheless an important step in a new direction to explore the universe.