Fast Safe Comments

If you wish to comment on any article on this blog without being moderated by the
author and/or making an account, simply use the twitter button at the bottom of the article.
When you click the button you’ll be living this site ( and be using twitter’s site logic to edit the tweet. The button will automatically add the URL to the page making it easier to refer to the page. I strongly recommend you live the URL in the tweet as later my programs can scan twitter and create references to the tweets and statistics based on those tweets. Twitter will shorten the URL automatically by using their own service. This is the way to help you fit more info in your tweet as well as keeping tabs on URL pointers and control who post what on twitter. (Information suppression you can say but then is their site, they have the right to do so if they please, just be aware of the catch).

Other than I’ll be happy to receive any type of comment as much time as it is constructive and help clarify things.